In the middle of the Square the War Memorial, the renowned “Vittoria Alata”, by the sculptor Carlo Fontana, stands. The Theatre of the Impavidi, with its sculpture “Il Genio della Stirpe”, shines in Garibaldi Square too. Inside the walls the beautiful “Firmafede Fortress” and the “Diocesan Museum” can be spotted. Beyond the walls one can find the imposing “Sarzanello Fortress”, commissioned by the famous Lorenzo dei Medici. The suggestive “Torrioni”, of medieval origin, surround the whole town. Finally, not to be missed, the magnificent “Palazzi Nobili” and the wonderful “Villa Ollandini”. The list of events taking place in Sarzana is rich throughout the entire year. The following venues stand out: the Traditional Market, the French regional Market, the “Sconfinando Festival”, the “Calandriniana” laboratory, the “Mind Festival”, the exhibition “Tra Passato e Presente”, the food and wine event “Sarzana in Tavola”, the “Hazelnut Festival”, the venue “Atri Fioriti” inside the “Palazzi Storici”, the review “The Books on the Road”, the “Music and Sound Festival”, the “Festival Pianistico città di Sarzana”, the “Raduno Nazionale delle Scuole di Circo” and the “Springtime Festival”. Finally in August, along the town’s alleys, the renowned “Mostra Nazionale dell’Antiquariato” called “Soffitta nella Strada” takes place, attracting visitors from all over the world.